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Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Tuesday morning after I got off work I noticed that the left side of my back felt very sore. Sometimes after working, especially at night, I'm so worn out that I do notice little aches but they disappear pretty quickly. This ache in my back is only getting worse...ahhhh. I'm a bit scared to know what's going on. I've e-mailed my boss so she can get me an appointment in Employee Occupational Health. For now, I've just returned from Target where I bought a gel heating pad and a bottle of Aleve to see if that will help.

I'm always petrified of hurting my back at work because we do so much lifting & pulling on sometimes heavy people. I hope that this is just a little muscle pull that will quickly resolve, but I suppose I better have it checked out.

I'm going to go lie down with my Epidemiology book (great reading, I tell you!) & my heating pad and hopefully get some reading in while I rest my back.

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