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Thursday, June 28, 2012


I need to focus on being thankful.
It's not been the best of days, yet I still have so much to give praise for.

So, today I am so thankful for... a healthy baby boy, a wonderfully loving husband, a supportive family, the most amazing church family, special friends...fresh summer produce, sunny skies, the twinkling lightening bugs in our yard...the laughter of a child, encouraging music, a roof over my head, delicious food on my table, sweet letters that arrive in the mail, the sound of a sleeping baby.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
      And into His courts with praise.
      Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.

For the LORD is good;
      His mercy is everlasting,
      And His truth endures to all generations.

-Psalms 100:4-5

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


It's been so fun to watch Owen's personality emerge, especially over the last month.

Owen, you are...
DETERMINED & STRONG-WILLED (If you want to reach something or hold something you're going full-force for it & little will stop you!). CURIOUS (You have to look at & feel everything for yourself).  EASILY AMUSED (Don't know how long it will last, but you find even your tiny toes entertaining). FOCUSED (This is definitely a trait you get from your daddy, but if you are focused in on something, nothing will distract you). SMART (It doesn't take you long to figure things out-you watch us push a button on a toy & after a few tries you have it figured out for yourself).

We just love watching you become just the little person God created you to be!

little bookworm.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Father's Day.

 A bit belated, but we enjoyed celebrating Chris' 1st Father's Day with him a few weekends ago.

Here's the poem we wrote in a special card to reveal Daddy's gift:


On your very 1st Father's Day,
we wanted you to feel special in every way.
We thought that you should have something fun,
a gift from your one & only son.
And so, here's a gift we hope will give you a thrill....

I have so loved watching Chris fall in love with our little man.
He was so proud to be celebrating his 1st Father's Day.
I am so blessed to have Chris as my husband & Owen is so blessed to have Chris as his daddy!

We love you!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Owen's 4th month.

Owen turned 5 months old today, so it's time to see what Owen has been up to in the 4th month of his life.

The 4th month was a busy one for a little guy to say the least.
Here's what's new:

  •  You're still so busy "talking" & are adding all sorts of new sounds to your repertoire.
  • You love to squeal with delight when you are bored or when you find something new. 
  • You have nearly perfected removing your binky & putting it back in your mouth!
  • You have now rolled over from your belly to your back & your back to your belly. You have just started doing a little scooting across the floor when you're on your belly, so you're a busy little guy!
  • You are sooooo close to sitting up on your own. If you're feeling really spry, you can sit up unassisted for about 10 seconds before you start to fall forward...it won't be long!
  • You love to play with your feet & toes & have even tried to get your foot into your mouth-silly boy    :-)!
  • We stopped in Durham, NC on our way to Emerald Isle & met some of mommy & daddy's friends...Will & Vanessa (& baby Stevens), Christina & Alex, Will & Donica, Genevieve & baby Rose, Nathan & Emily (& baby Putman), & Corey.
  • You went to the beach for the 1st time a few weeks ago for Uncle Dave's wedding. You loved the sand & eventually warmed up to the salty ocean water.
  • Your favorite thing about the trip to the beach was the pool...I think we might have a little swimmer on our hands!
  • You started eating rice cereal 2 weeks ago & by the 2nd night you had mastered the eating with a spoon thing. You even get excited now when you sit in your high chair in the evening & watch me mix your cereal!
  • You also started eating bananas this weekend & seem to be enjoying them too.
  • You had a play date with baby Zoey, Scarlett, & Elle...you & all of the little ladies!
  • You're still taking 2 little cat naps in the morning and 1 longer afternoon nap. You're sleeping from about 8:15 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.-hooray!!!
  • You celebrated Daddy's 1st Father's Day with him yesterday...Daddy was so proud!

    You are wearing 6 month clothes & even a few 9 month outfits too.

    Here are some of my favorite pictures from your 4th month of life...

Owen loves Mr. Glowworm
Owen meets Mr. Will & Mrs. Vanessa

Family picture in the pool

Owen loved his pool float

1st day in the water...not digging it!

Uncle Dave's wedding
All boy!

Just before rice cereal night #1!

some progress.

Well, the blog looks a little "fresher".
Still not quite what I had in mind, but it's a work in progress!
More tinkering to come...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pardon the progress.

As you can see, I have major blog renovations going on.

Hopefully in the next week or two, I'll have a new, fresh-looking blog.

Come back & check it out soon!