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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dear Owen.

Dear Owen,

My sweet little man- It's so hard for me to believe that 6 months ago today I met you for the 1st time!

I had waited so long to see your sweet face, to kiss your little head, to count your fingers & toes, and to see your adorable hair!

My first 6 months as your mother have been wonderful, yet have been full of so many feelings & emotions, some of which I would have never anticipated.

I have had moments filled with anticipation, overwhelming love, joy, fear, exhaustion, pain, anxiety, pride, confusion, guilt, grief...I have laughed, I have cried...I have felt older than my age at many moments, yet have also had the pleasure of feeling so youthful all over again...I have felt competent at some moments & yet so ill-equipped at others...I have been humbled, I have had my patience tested, & I have prayed constantly for strength.

I have learned that being your mother is the most  important job I will ever have. It takes precedent over all of my other responsibilities. I am slowly learning how to balance being your mother with my roles as a wife, nurse, teacher, daughter, sister, friend.

I love that I have had the gift of spending these last 6 months at home with you. I wouldn't trade our time together for anything in this world.

Daddy & I love you sooo much & you should know that you are the most precious gift we have ever been blessed with. We give thanks for you everyday & pray that we can learn to be the best parents possible.

I love you more than ever little man,


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