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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

have you tried?...

It seems like there are a lot of new fun products out there these days (or maybe they're just new to me).

Thought I would share some of the new things we've tried...

*Blue Diamond Nut Thins- I can't get enough of these. I love, love, love them! There are several varieites made from various nuts, but my absolute favorites are the Hint of Sea Salt Almond Thins.
*Philadelphia Cooking Cream- I was so excited about trying this (especially because I got a coupon to get it for free from Kraft First Taste), but was somewhat disappointed. I used the Italian cheese & herb cream with pasta, chicken & broccoli. It wasn't bad, just didn't have as much taste as I would have expected.

*Jello Temptations-I also had a coupon for 1 free 3-pack of these from Kraft First Taste. I bought the raspberry cheesecake variety. 150 calories per container...pretty tasty too!
*Kraft Homestyle Mac & Cheese- I mentioned this recently, but we love the taste & ease of this as an occassional side dish. It's as close to homemade mac & cheese as I can get without taking the time to make the real deal. Y-U-M!*Kellog's Crunchy Nut cereal-Chris & I both love it. It comes in the crunchy 'o' variety & the flakes. We've only tried the 'o's, but love them! I've found coupons, rebates & great sales (@ Publix & Kroger) so we've been eating lots of it. I highly recommend trying it!

I'd love to know what your favorite new products are!

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