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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter in the Christian tradition.
It is observed as a time of prayer, service, and fasting.

Although I've always observed the Easter season, I've honestly never paid that much attention to Lent and what it represents.

This year, I decided to participate in the act of giving something up for Lent.

In order to really exercise true self-restraint and surrender, I knew I should give up something that I really loved...

So, I have been without chocolate in any form for the last week!
It's been a great exercise in self-control for me especially since we still have chocolate sitting around from Christmas & Valentine's Day.

I really had no idea just how many things I eat/drink every day that contain chocolate...no more mochas, hot chocolate, chocolate milk...
I'm so glad I'm doing this though!

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