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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I just love...

I just love how you very rarely cry when you wake up in the morning or from a nap-instead you just starting babbling, or what mommy calls "singing". It's a sweet sound to wake up to!

I just love the big smile you give me every morning about 6:30 a.m. when I walk into your room & peer over the side of the crib & say "Good morning Owen"...it's the sweetest smile I've ever seen!

I just love how you often grab so tightly to my shirt when I'm holding you or rocking you that if you fall asleep, I usually have to gently pry your little fingers open so I can lay you down.

I just love the way you stroke my arms & my hands and grab my fingers while I'm nursing you.

I just love the way you need me like you need no one else & I secretly love the way that when no one else can soothe you, I can.

I just love that you are the happiest, smiliest little guy I know.

I just love...YOU!!!
(The sweet, happy face I get to wake up to every morning...he makes catching his smile on camera quite difficult, but it's priceless!)

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