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Friday, August 10, 2012

Things people say about you.

I've learned that people will say any number of things to you when you have a baby with you in public.
Most often, they're sweet sentiments about my precious son, but there are times people have said things that make me wonder what they were thinking (i.e. the woman who told me children are only cute for a short while & then they get "mean"...ok, thanks lady).

So, here are the lovely things people often say to you...

  • "Look at those big blue eyes"
  • "Oh, do you have red hair?"
  • "You're such a big boy"
  • "Ohhh, look at that smile!"
  • "You're so happy" (He loves to go places & behaves like such a gentleman in public!)
  • "You look just like your mommy"
I hope that people always notice how cute you are, how happy you are, & how lovely your sweet smile is!

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