Owen went for his 6 month check-up on Thursday. We're a bit off schedule because he's 6 1/2 months old, but that's ok!
She confirmed that Owen was just perfect (we knew that already :-)). He would hardly lay still for her to examine him & was constantly grabbing for her stethoscope & opthalmascope. You were grabbing the paper on the exam table & crunching it between your fingers and trying to tear it. She said "oh my, he has quick hands" & "he's so busy". Indeed he is!
Owen's head measures in the 75%, he is 28 1/4 inches long (95%), & he weighs a whopping 20 lbs. (85%). He's a very proportionate chunk! He had grown just under 3 inches in 2 months-crazy!
Can't believe how big our baby is getting...
1 comment:
What a cutie! That is so funny Sarah because those were almost the exact same measurements Josh had at his 12 month appointment! He is on the small side though
(10th and 13th percentiles.) They all grow so differently. I hope you guys are doing well!
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