Two year-olds are quite interesting little people.
Two is proving to be both fun & challenging in so many new ways.
Owen now weights 27 lbs. & 8 oz. (56th%) & is 36 1/4 inches tall (89th%). Dr. Rauth says she thinks he's going to be a tall guy one day. He's definitely lost all of his "baby fat" & looks so tall & lean. He wears 2T clothes now, but I have a feeling by summertime, he'll be wearing 3T.
Thankfully the weather has turned warmer on most days & we have more day light into the evenings meaning that our little man is a happy guy. He loves nothing more than to be outside with his blue truck, a pile of sticks, & some bubbles.
Owen has certainly become opinionated about many things. He likes to choose his clothes every morning-he always wants to wear a green shirt, and he likes to choose his pajamas at night after his bath-his favorites are the "car pajammies".
Our little man is still quite the good eater & breakfast remains his favorite meal of the day. A typical breakfast is 2 bowls of oatmeal and a banana or 2 waffles and a banana...most days he eats more than we do for breakfast!
Owen's vocabulary grows daily. His memory amazes us. He has memorized excerpts of books we read often (Llama Llama Misses Mama, Little Bear, & One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish) & we will hear him reciting them while he plays or while he pretends to read to himself. Owen knows the lyrics to so many songs & sings nearly all the time. He also likes to pretend to play musical instruments (the fiddle & the banjo are his current favorites). Owen knows his colors, his ABCs, can count to 10, knows shapes (including parallelogram & trapezoid!), and can spell 'Owen Tarr'. We think he is one smart guy!
Owen still loves school. He is so excited when we get there & can hardly wait to carry his lunch box through the door and then dropping it to run over to the water fountain for a drink and to the fish tank to see if the fish are hiding. He enjoys talking about his friends at school (expecially Charlie, Justin, Jack, Amina, Kate, Elizabeth, & Rosie).
We just love watching Owen learn & grow. It's hard to believe that he's been a part of our lives for nearly 26 months now...the time has flown!
(Pictures are getting harder & harder to take as he is so busy & so interested in touching the camera lens)
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