This time last year, our pastor was finishing up an e-mail devotion series that he faithfulyl shared for over a year.
Earlier this week I stumbled upon one of these devotions that I had saved because it resonated with me at the time. As I re-read it, it reminded me of "the big picture" of my role as a parent. It's so easy for me to get bogged down by the smaller details of day-to-day life with a busy toddler and I lose focus on what ultimately matters.
So, I will share it in hopes it will resonate with you-whether you're a parent or not.
Faithful Parenting
April 19th, 2012
3 John 1:4
"I could have no greater joy that to hear that my children are following the truth."
-3 John 1:4
"A closer pastor friend of mine recently turned my attention to our focus verse. He claims is as his favorite verse. In fact, when his children were young, he would tuck them in at night, touch them on the forehead as if bestowing a blessing, and then he would quote, "I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth." Great thought, right?
What could give any parent greater joy than that of knowing that their children were following the truth? Let me remind you that children learn most of what they know from their parents. They watch the example. They listen to the words. They imitate the actions. If you want your children to follow in the truth, then you have to role-model truth for them. Your faith...your fidelity to Christ...your commitment to the church and its ministries, will all be clearly communicated to your children. If you want them to care about matters of faith, then you must care about matters of faith. Why would they develop a passion for things in which you have no interest. Faith matters. Truth is important. The promise of the Gospel needs to be told. If you want to have the joy of knowing your children care about such things, then pour out your life doing the things that matter most. Live with consistency, devotion, and authenticity. What if your child one day turned the phrase and said of you "I could have no greater joy that to know that my parents are following the truth." Remember, you can't leave a legacy if you don't live a legacy."
Father, burden us with the responsibility of carefully role-modeling the faith for the next generation. May we never mar the image of Christ in the eyes of our children. Amen.
-Jon Roebuck
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