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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Owen's 8th month.

Owen is 9 months old today. It's hard to believe that I have a 9 month old!
Here's the run down of Owen's 8th month of life...
  • You are a busy little man...
    -Knocking over blocks,
    -Throwing things from your highchair,
    -Scooting all over the place,
    -Pulling up,
    -Standing up in your crib,
    -Moving from lying to sitting...
  • You can crawl on all fours with your belly off the ground now, but you move much faster by scooting on your belly so rarely crawl off the ground.
  • You started pulling up & you haven't stopped since. You'll use anything you can to pull up (the sofa, people, doorframes, the wall, etc.). You're even getting brave & letting go for a couple of seconds!
  • You love to close doors. Mommy is terrified that you're going to slam your fingers in the door, so I close them & you get quite unhappy.
  • You love your dog Sadie...you shriek with delight when she's around, watch her every move, & are learning that she likes you to feed her from your highchair (oh dear!).
  • You learned to click your tongue & you do it a lot!
  • You are starting to imitate things that we do-waving, dancing, laughing...
  • You are learning to wave hi & bye-bye.
  • You say bye bye ("buh buh"), dog ("dug"), dada, & mama.
  • You have 3 teeth on the bottom & now almost 2 on top!
  • We gave you meat (ground turkey) for the 1st time just this week. You seemed to like it ok, but not as much as you like your veggies & fruits.
  • You went to the mountains, strolled to the highest point in TN, & saw the Appalachian Trail for the first time.
  • You are wearing 9 & 12 month clothes.
  • We don't know exactly how much you weigh, but using unofficial measures, we think about 23 lbs. You are soooo tall, I bet off the charts now!
We love you so much & are looking forward to what the 9th month of life brings!

Little monkey!

Owen's new jacket

Owen's new school bus-Thanks Grampy!

Halloween attire!

Trip to the mountains of N.C.

All smiles!

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