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Monday, September 12, 2011

It's a...


I am nearly 2 weeks delayed in posting the news (so everyone already knows), but our little one is a boy!!!

Our ultrasound was great & it was so fun and amazing to see our litte man up close & personal. We could see him moving his hands & feet around which was so amazingly wonderful!!!
He had his legs crossed to start with so I was quite nervous that we would leave without knowing his gender. He didn't disappoint though & decided to uncross his legs revealing the evidence of who he is!

We have spent the last week moving to our new place so things are quite hectic.
We will have internet access again tomorrow so I can then upload some ultrasound pictures & pictures from our gender reveal with Chris' family (super fun!).

We're hoping to be settled into our new home by the start of next week so then we can shift our focus back to officially deciding on a name for our little man.
The painter came on Saturday (in the midst of us moving furniture) to paint the nursery. I am so happy with how it turned out.
I have the bedding picked out (pics to come) and we're thinking of starting furniture shopping in the next couple of weeks.

I love planning for our little man's arrival!!!

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