I love, love, love children's books.
I think there is little more important than reading to children.
I was so fortunate to have parents & grandparents that loved to read to me (I attribute my love for reading to them!).
I have had a collection of children's books going for years.
I picked most of them up on sale/clearance racks at Borders, the $1 spot at Target, and even aquired a few on travels to various places. Others were gifts from sweet friends!
Now that a baby T is on the way, I pulled out the box and took an inventory of our baby's library.
So far we will be reading:
*The Tiny Seed (Eric Carle-adorable with great pictures)
*The Very Hungry Catepillar
*Counting Bugs (sweet soft book with a rattle)
*Dotty Dog (another soft stroller book)
*Farm Animals
*The Brave Cowboy (an adorable book by a local author I bought while in San Antonio)
*My 1st Book of Numbers
*Everyday Objects (old, old book that was mine & my mom's before that)
*Moo, Baa, La La La!
*Counting Kisses
*Baby Einstein See & Spy Shapes
*Nurse Nancy (I love this Little Golden book)
*I Love You
*Grover's Guessing Game about Animals
*At the Zoo
*Guess How Much I Love You
*Goodnight Moon
*The Brightest Star (a sweet book that tells the Christmas Story)
*A Squirrel's Tale (brings back childhood memories for me)
*There's a Mouse About the House! (more sweet memories)
*Lello Lion
*The Tiny Tadpole
*Who's Who in the Ocean?
*Who's Who in the Jungle?
*The Little Engine that Could (another childhood favorite!)
*The Real Mother Goose Treasury
*Go & Hush the Baby (1 of my 2 absolute favorite books as a child)
*Peekabo Farm
And even a few for when baby T gets older...
*The Giving Tree
*The Aminal
*Friendship Saves the Day
*The New Baby (Peppes & Pop gave me this one before Cheri was born...it will be a while before baby T needs to read this one :-))
I'm also going to retrieve some of the Little Golden Books, Curious George, & Dr. Seuss books that were mine as a child.
Other books I'd like to read to baby T:
*Where is Baby's Belly Button?
*Love You Forever
*Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?
*If You Give a Mouse a Cookies
*Where's Goldie (a Little Golden book that was my other favorite childhood book)
*Pat the Bunny
*On the Night You Were Born
What other books would you suggest adding to our growing library?
A co-worker of mine gave me On the Night You Were Born! It is a precious, precious book. I could about tear up thinking about it! Rowan loves to read, and now he often requests, "read book, mommy". So precious!
Love your library already! Lots of our favorites in there. Elle's first favorite book was "Peek a Who" (now it's Moo Baa La La La). She was so tiny and would just giggle at the pages! Her and Scarlett have both loved "I am a Bunny". They also love touch and feel books - That's not my bunny/puppy/etc etc (there's a million of them).
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