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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stockholm Day 1

We left Nashville for Stockholm at noon on Saturday.
After a short flight to Newark & a layover there, we boarded the 8-hour, overnight flight to Stockholm. Unfortunately Chris & I did not have seats together, but my saving grace was that I had an exit row seat so I could enjoy some extra leg room.

Neither of us got much sleep on the plane, so we were pretty exhausted when we arrived in Stockholm at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday.

We managed to take the express train from the Arlanda airport to the Stockholm Clarion hotel. Unfortunately, it was raining (pretty common for a Stockholm summer) so lugging around ourselves with luggage was less than thrilling. We knew we couldn't check in but were anxious to atleast deposit our bags.

Chris goes to check in while I guard the luggage, yet he returns to tell me that there are not 1, but 2 Clarion hotels in Stockholm. Apparently the conference & our reservation for the 1st 2 nights are at the Clarion across town (oh goody!). The remainder of our reservation is at the current Clarion. I was pretty stressed initially, but quickly regrouped & decided I wouldn't let it be a big deal.

We made the 20 minute trek across to the other side of town to the "correct Clarion" in the rain. We deposited our bags and found a quick lunch. Chris' conference started at 3 p.m. & we couldn't get into our room until 2:30 p.m. He headed to the conference & I settled in for a nap.

I spent the rest of Sunday (Day 1) exploring the sites near our hotel and enjoying kebab for dinner while Chris was at a conference social function.

I didn't snap too many pictures on Day 1, but here are a few...

(Swedish currency-kronor; Clarion Sign hotel room & hotel)

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