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Thursday, February 10, 2011

why I'm SO over the snow...

*We got 2-3 inches of snow late yesterday. I believe this is our 6th snow of 2011.

*We also had 2 snows before Christmas.

*Yesterday's snow started just before rush hour...everyone left work early (including Chris) & it was sheer madness. Chris left work & after nearly 3 hours in the car had gone less than a 1/2 mile. We decided it was best for him to stay in lab last night. So, now the snow is keeping my babe & I apart. Snow...this is where I draw the line!

*People don't know how to drive in the snow. I'm no expert, but at least I only get out in it unless I have to & I drive slow.

*The city is out of money for salt & sand for the roads=hot mess!

*I can't keep my car looking clean.

*I can't keep my floors clean from someone's little snowy paws.

*I'm almost out of milk & I am 99.9% certain that the grocery stores are definitely out of milk.

*It's 12 degrees right now.

*I want to be wearing flip-flops, not snow boots.

Ohhhh how I hope this our last snow of the season.

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