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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

urban girl???

We visited Nashville a couple of weekends ago on a housing-scouting mission.

First & foremost, I have to admit that I (we) was (were) slightly disillusioned regarding just how urban Nashville is.

I know it's a "big city", but I still didn't have the mental image of crowded city streets with crazy traffic and such.

We have never lived in a "big city" & I quickly learned as I was navigating through 5 p.m. Friday evening traffic that this "adventure" is going to be interesting!

We did lots of driving around town---over 250 miles in & around the immediate city limits.
While we're driving around, I'm realizing just how much I'm going to miss suburbia...like a Target & a Kroger 5 minutes away.
Looks like 20 minutes to a Target or Kroger is going to be my new norm.

We were able to isolate a few specific areas of town that we would like to live in and several more areas of town to definitely avoid.
We made careful notes and have now catered our Craigslist searching to more specific areas.

So...all in all, a good trip.
For now I'm going to keep enjoying my suburban life until I have to become an urban girl!

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