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Friday, December 4, 2009


I can finally share my exciting news!
(NO, it's NOT about BABIES YET...)

I have officially accepted a position as a Clinical Instructor (C.I.) for the
Duke School of Nursing in the spring semester!!!
This is the "opportunity" that I mentioned a few weeks ago.

If you recall, I had applied for this position last fall and again last spring and both times never heard anything after submitting my application.
Needless to say, I gave up!
A few weeks ago, I was in the breakroom at work doing some work on policies and procedures and in walks a friend of mine (Penni) who's a C.I. for the school and her boss (Kathy).
Penni introduced me to Kathy who on the spot offerred me a job for the spring.
I let her know that we were moving and I could only fulfill the role for 1 semester.
I think I was in shock for the next few days...

This spring is going to be so busy for us with Chris & I both preparing to graduate and move to Nashville.
I had so many doubts and insecurities about taking on another thing.
Chris & I talked about it,
Chris encouraged me,
I prayed about it,
all the while knowing God had this in store for me all along.

This opportunity will only be possible because I have the most wonderfully supportive boss in the world.
She is willing to let me drop my status to 2 days/week so I can continue working for her while taking on my new role!
There aren't many bosses like her...thanks Joey!

I sent Kathy my resume soon after and that set the ball rolling...
I got the official offer earlier this week,
accepted it,
sent in my payroll papers today,
and will officially sign my name on the dotted line next week!

What a crazy semester it's going to be...
Mondays- 10 hours of preceptorship for my final class
Tuesdays- C.I. duties or preceptorship
Wednesdays- C.I. duties
Thursdays- work
Friday- work
weekend- try to relax, catch-up on things

I'm so excited about my new position and the opportunity to try something new!


Lyndsey said...

Congrats! That is very exciting!

Courtney said...

That's wonderful!! They will be looking to have you even if it is just for one more semester! GREAT JOB AND CONGRATS!!!