Lately, I have been thinking about what I would do if I wasn't a nurse.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job, but my brain often wanders I think random thoughts like these.
Here's what I came up with...
*I would own my own bookstore---one where I could recommend books to people because I had read them all; one where I could also sell things I had made (bookmarks, greeting cards, gift wrap...); one where I knew my customers by name & knew just what they were looking for.
*I would own my own cafe---a quaint cafe situated on the ideal street in the perfect small town; one where I could serve my favorite pastries, coffees, and soups; one where people would sit in the corner & read the morning's newspaper or a book in the afternoon.
*I would be an editor for a book company---probably a more realistic option than the previous two! How fun would it be to read the work of aspiring authors & have the potential to discover the next best John Grisham or Nicholas Sparks; getting paid to read all day-I'm on board with that!
*I would be a writer---I've always wanted to write a book! Who knows...maybe one day. I have such a romanticized idea of sitting at home by my computer with a cup of coffee writing the next best novel...probably won't happen, but I won't stop thinking about it!
*And of course my favorite option of all, be a stay-at-home mom!
For now, I'm still missing the baby to make that happen,
but one day I will be a stay-at-home mom!
Big vote for SAHM!!! It really is the best profession. Now get on with the baby part :o)
Being a mom is the best.
BABIES! :o) I would also like to be an editor... how great would that be?!?
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