It's hard to believe that you were 1 month old on Saturday.
Our little boy is growing so fast!
This 1st month has brought so many exciting changes & so much fun:
- You had a few more visitors last week-Grammy & Grampy (who know wishes to be known as "The Big G") came back to see you, you met mommy & daddy's friend Hollie, & Auntie Cheri came back to see you as well.
- We took you back for a 1 month weigh-in since we had issues with your weight gain. You weighed 8 lbs. & 6 oz....what a big boy! We're still feeding you every 3 hours during the day, but every 4-5 hours at night now...whew!
- You're about to outgrow the majority of your newborn onesies. There are a few little newborn outfits you can probably wear for another week or two.
- Mommy started the cloth diapering adventure last week. We're using Pampers only at night now or if we're going on a long errand around town.
- When it hasn't been rainy (not often) we've gone on a few adventures around town-lunch with Auntie Cheri at the Puffy Muffin (you slept through it!), a trip to Costco, & several walks around the neighborhood.
- We started carrying you in the Baby Bjorn. We carry you in it for walks & Daddy carried you around Costco in it on Saturday. We love it & you seem to too!
- You have really discovered that you can do things with your hands. You love to sit in your infant-toddler rocking chair & swing your arms to try & reach the toy bar. You love to swing at the yellow lion on your entertainer mat too.
- You love to focus on our faces. It's so fun to think that you know we're your mommy & daddy!
- You also love to stare at your face in the mirror. Sometimes you'll reach out & try to touch the mirror cute!
- You love music. I'm pretty sure your favorite song is "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" because you usually will stop fussing when I start singing it.
Here a few of the most recent pictures: