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Sunday, February 28, 2010


Ran across this quote again today...I'd read it before & liked it, but in reading it over again tonight, it really struck a new chord with me.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain-

I definitely feel as if I'm sailing away from the "safe harbor"...it's time to explore!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

lookers, but no takers

Our house has been on the market for 8 days now...

We've had 3 showings & 39 online hits.

Seems like lots of lookers, but no takers just yet!

a taste of spring...

The weather this weekend was gorgeous...
low 60s & sunny both yesterday & today

I heard the birds out singing,
noticed my crocus blooming,
my tulips, hyacinths, & daffodils peeking out of the ground,
it's staying light out past 5:30 p.m.

Spring is indeed coming...hooray!

picture perfect...

that just about sums up our weekend.

I was off and we were in town both Saturday & Sunday for the first time in 5 weeks.
It's amazing how I have been missing the little things I love about the weekend.
It was good to get to enjoy those things this weekend, especially since the weather was awesome (finally!)...

sleeping in even if it was only 'til 8:00,
cooking breakfast for Chris & I,
walks with Sadie in the Duke Forest,
catching up on laundry,
going to church today,
enjoying lunch with friends after church,
finishing John Grisham's latest, Ford County,
reading more of C.S. Lewis' The Four Loves,
time for blogging,
watching a movie with Chris,
going for an afternoon jog,
just relaxing in general...

feeling rested & ready for the week ahead!

Monday, February 15, 2010


It's official...
our house is for sale.
The sign went up Friday night.
We just got a call that we have a showing tomorrow at 1 pm.

As excited as we are for this new stage in our lives,
I am not looking forward to giving up our home.
We love our home!
It's unique & fun.
We have made so many memories here...
It will always be our 1st real home.

It's a bittersweet thing...
not looking forward to packing up the house,
moving things to a new place,
getting re-organized all over again,
being renters again...

Oh well, a home is what you make it...
I'll be blessed to have a roof over my head and my family at my side.
That's what will make our new abode our home!

will it ever stop?

These have come in handy for the last month...

It's been raining AGAIN today...
if it's not rain, it's SNOW!

I'm ready for the sunny days of spring!


We've been back from skiing in CO for over a week now & I still can't get over how fun it was.
Copper Mountain is absolutely beautiful.
The Rockies are absolutely breathtaking...
It snowed 5 out of the 6 days we were there...the biggest, most beautiful snowflakes I've ever seen!

We had such a blast!

It was my 1st time ever skiing, even though it has always been on my "bucket list"...

i was scared & intimitated at 1st,
never got used to just how heavy the ski boots are,
finally got the hang of it all about day 3,
was cruising the green slopes on day 4,
came home sore and with a few bruises, but no broken bones!

We spent 2 evenings tubing down the Coca Cola tubing hill...what fun.
I laughed the whole time like a small child!

So glad I at least tried it.
Even more glad that I loved it!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

snow, snow, snow

Over the weekend we got 7 inches of snow!

I have never had to deal with this much snow on the ground.
I've seen this much snow on the ground from a distance, but that's about it.

Normally, I wouldn't have minded a weekend full of snow, but I had to work.

So, I spent Friday & Saturday nights in a hotel across the street from Duke with my co-workers so we could all safely get to work Saturday & Sunday mornings.

Being snowed-in at a hotel with your co-workers isn't the same as being snowed-in with your husband and sweet dog by the fire at home (not saying it's not fun, just not the same!).

Luckily, the roads from our house to Duke were plowed on Sunday so Chris was able to retrieve me from work Sunday night so I could come back home.

The snow was/is beautiful...we still have probably 5 inches on the ground in our yard.

It made for some pretty pictures...

This morning we're off to Colorado where we hear there is over 2 feet of snow!

Perfect for our mission...skiing!