Just a few cute pictures of me & Chris with baby Cady Eggleston on Sunday night.
You can't see her all that well, but she's a doll!
I just love the one with Chris holding her. He actually looked mildly comfortable & she wasn't crying...2 pluses!
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You can't see her all that well, but she's a doll!
* I picked the first squash out of garden a few minutes ago. It's a big one, but I don't think we're going to have that many this year.
* My mom bought me a lavender-scented reed diffuser. I put it in the living room yesterday & absolutely love the way it smells.
* We're more than 1/2 way through the summer semester...yeahhh!!!
* 2 months from today is the Yankee's game that Abbey & I have tickets to see!