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Saturday, December 15, 2007

3 a.m. thoughts...

It's amazing the strange things you ponder at 3 a.m. I've worked nights last week & again this week, hence I'm awake at crazy hours like 3 a.m. I'm stealing Hollie's blogging technique of random lists, so here's my 3 a.m. crazy though list...

1. We had a holiday raffle for our floor yesterday to raise $ to buy all of patients holiday gifts to make their stay this time of the year a little brighter. We got great prizes donated & I bought $5 worth of tickets last week & won an iPod shuffle. I don't have an iPod but have been wanting one so I can't wait to take it home & put it to use! I am so excited!!!

2. I haven't seen Chris since Wednesday morning when he left for school. I miss my babe & can't wait to see him this morning!

3. It's now only 10 days until Christmas...ahhhh. It's crazy how when we were young it seemed like it took Christmas forever to come, now it feels like it comes faster & faster every year.

4. I can't believe how cute my best friend & her husband's baby is! Her name is Scarlett & isn't she just sooo cute. I'm hoping to visit them in Boston in January to meet little Scarlett! I just can't get over looking at cute pictures like this!

5. Chris' work party is tonight at his boss & his wife's house. It's a Christmas party with a twist because we're having barbeque catered! It should be different. I'm excited because I'll finally get to meet their 3-month old daughter, Charlotte! I love holding babies!

6. I love BABIES, if that's not evident by how many times they've entered my mind at 3 a.m.!

7. I'm getting slightly anxious about starting back to school in January. I hope I'm not jumping in too fast!

8. An electrician is coming over this weekend to hopefully ground the outlet in our living room that we need to plug our new 32' LCD HDTV into. We can't wait to get it into it's place in our home.

9. I can't wait to open Christmas gifts even though our Christmas celebrations won't be until the day & 2 days after since I'm working...I love unwrapping gifts!

10. I love giving gifts. I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they unwrap their gifts from us. We put a lot of thought into our gifts this year so we hope everyone enjoys theirs!

11. I'm hungry but have no idea what to eat. In addition tho how crazy your thoughts can be at 3 a.m., it's also crazy what I might have cravings for or how hungry I might be in general. Eating helps keep me awake though.

12. We're going to hopefully unpack our new computer today. We've had it for over a week but just haven't had the time to break it out yet. We're hoping to find a new desk for it either this weekend or next week.

13. Isn't it funny how we spoil our pets...Sadie is getting gifts for Christmas like she was a child. My parents bought her 2 or 3 toys and so did each of my sisters. Of course Chris & I got her some toys as well. We're going to get her a new collar too, hopefully today.

14. I'm sleepy! Rightly so, as it's just after 3 a.m.. Only 4 more hours until I can see my babe & get some sleep.

15. I think my brain is tired of thinking now...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our Home for the Holidays

Here are some shots of our home all decorated for the holiday season...

Our tree all lit up...

Our mantle with the stockings in place (including Sadie's even though it doesn't match my & Chris')...

My all time-favorite decoration-the ceramic Christmas tree my dad bought me last year...

Our icicle lights adorning our house with our candles lit in the windows...
Only 10 days until Christmas!!!